Diversity Without Division: Introducing the Moral Courage Method of Communicating Across Divides

Course at a glance...

  • On-demand, pre-recorded, and self-paced.

  • Five modules; total time commitment of 5 - 7 hours.

  • Finish it all in one sitting or take breaks between each module.

  • Tools, techniques, tips, and downloadable resources throughout.

This course is more than PD; it can be team-building, too!

  • Turn this professional development exercise into a team-building opportunity. Here's how: Learn as a cohort. While everybody moves through the course as individuals, you'll all finish by an agreed-upon date. Afterwards, you'll convene to debrief the learnings together. During the debrief, you can compare takeaways and brainstorm how to support each other in practicing the skills taught by the course.

  • Bonus: If 50 or more individuals in your organization want to take this course, the Moral Courage team can enroll them all at once. To receive this complimentary service, email us: [email protected].

  • Extra Bonus: For cohorts of 100 or more members, we offer a 15% discount per seat. To arrange for bulk enrollment and the discount, email us: [email protected]

Learning Objectives

This course teaches users to:

  • View themselves and others as more than "oppressed" or "oppressive" groups.

  • Recognize that empathy is a smarter, more constructive emotion than feeling offended.

  • Create brave spaces for asking honest questions out of curiosity, not judgment.

  • Hear rather than fear different opinions, values, interpretations, and ideas.

  • Draw the best from multiple perspectives to become innovative problem-solvers.


Irshad Manji

Prof. Irshad Manji is the founder of Moral Courage® and the recipient of Oprah's first-ever "Chutzpah Award" for boldness. A leadership professor at New York University for many years, Irshad now teaches with the Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics and Human Rights. She is the New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of "Don't Label Me: How to Do Diversity Without Inflaming the Culture Wars." Chris Rock, the entertainer, calls her book "genius." (We don't yet know what Will Smith thinks of it.)